The definition of a co-occurring disorder is the existence of a substance abuse disorder and a mental health issue simultaneously. Mental health issues can include depression, bipolar disorder or anxiety. Drug and alcohol rehab Florida have observed that although it is more difficult to treat co-occurring disorders, it is very common and can be overcome.

What are Dual Diagnosis and Co-Occurring Disorders?

Dual diagnosis includes the unique symptoms of both drug or alcohol dependence and mental health issues. These two issues often overlap and affect the functioning of the person afflicted.  Moreover, Outpatient Drug Treatment Florida have observed that when one of the issues goes untreated, the other problem typically increases as well. 

Does the mental health issue or the Addiction come first?

Although mental health issues are common in people who suffer from addiction, there are no scientific studies that prove that one causes the other.

  1. Alcohol people with drug or alcohol dependence self-medicate the symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. Unfortunately, however, the attempt at self-medication, although unintended, worsens the symptoms.
  2. Alcohol dependency increases the risk for mental illness. Although mental illness and disorders are often genetically inclined, the abuse of drugs and alcohol and dependence there from, may be enough to trigger an individual into mental illness such as depression or anxiety.
  3. Alcohol and drug dependence often increase the symptoms associated with mental illness, including depression and anxiety.  Substance The existence of a mental disorder and the associated symptoms, are often exacerbated by drug dependence and abuse.  Moreover, outpatient drug rehab Florida and drug rehab have noticed that the treatment of these disorders, i.e., anti-depressants, is often marginalized by the abuse of drugs and alcohol.

Those with Mental Illness often suffer from Addiction

According to the AMA (American Medical Association):

  • Approximately 50% of individuals with severe mental disorders are affected by substance abuse.
  • 37% of alcohol and drug abusers and 53% of drug abusers also have at least one serious mental illness.
  • Of all people diagnose as mentally ill, 29% abuse either alcohol or drugs.

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