PictureDrugs and Alcohol Abuse Florida
This paper attempts to address whether the planned benefits of legalizing Marijuana outweigh the potential negative consequences. Factors that will be examined and are questions faced by staff of outpatient and inpatient Alcohol Rehab Center Florida and elsewhere, include the number of dependent users and how legalization will impact this number, treatment costs and there relation to the youth of our nation and suggestions and recommendations. A review of merely these factors demonstrates that the increase in revenue and cost-savings associated with decreased criminal activity outweighs health harms associated with marijuana usage.

If the analysis were to stop at that point, there would not be much to write about as the evidence is fairly straight forward; however, unknown and intangible costs such as the effect of legalization of marijuana on the youth of our country and the unknown but predicted increase in dependence may tip the scales in the other direction. Finally, this writer will draw broad conclusions and recommendations based upon the current literature and findings. 

The document is organized into three parts
  1. How the legalization of marijuana and the resulting drop in price will effect use of marijuana and potential increase in dependent users in need of outpatient and inpatient drug treatment and drug and alcohol rehabilitation.
  2. How the legalization of marijuana and the resulting rise in consumption will impact national inpatient and outpatient drug treatment statistics based on reported government statistics.
  3. Broad recommendations and suggestions.
Increase in Drug Dependence

Marijuana is an addictive drug and people do experience dependence and withdrawal symptoms (Hall, 2003). Also, from 2002-2008, the average number of people in the United States that met DSM-IV criteria for abuse or dependence was 4.2 million people (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, two thousand nine 2009). Finally, over 10% of lifetime users of marijuana have enough symptoms to qualify for the label of experiencing abuse or dependence (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2009).

Although it is impossible to predict with certainty how much marijuana will cost if it is legalized, most of the literature estimates that the price will decrease anywhere from 30%-75% (Caulkins, 2010).  Based on this fact, estimates for California indicate that the number of people who will be dependent on marijuana will increase by over 300,000 (Caulkins, 2010). Although these numbers are speculative and based upon theoretical, economic models, there is no doubt that legalization of marijuana will have an impact in reducing the price of the drug and an increase in those using the drug? Also, the fact that the price of marijuana will decrease, will allow individuals who previously could not afford to use the drug to have access.

As a direct result of more people having access to marijuana, an increase in dependence and the fact that marijuana has been scientifically shown to have negative effects on cognitive functioning, society will have to shoulder this burden. The negative effects (including memory loss, learning impairment and decreased motor coordination) last in excess of 30 days after the period of acute intoxication (Bolla, 2002). This means that people using marijuana will have a tendency to wrongly believe they are capable of performing tasks, such as driving a car, operating heavy equipments/machinery, caring for children or resolving work-related issues, when in fact they may be performing at an impaired range of functioning (Bolla, 2002).

Overall, legalization of marijuana will increase the number of people who are dependent on the substance and lead to an increase in usage. Additionally, beyond the tangible and statistical data that indicates the benefit outweighs the negative, several negative intangible and yet unmeasured factors seem to negate the benefit proposed by many people in favor of legalization.

Drug Treatment Effect

In 2009, the average cost of residential drug treatment in the United States was in excess of $5,000.00 (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2009). Additionally, it is estimated that over 75% of individuals treated for marijuana as a primary dependency were under the age of 21 (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2009). Also, in 2009, 61.5% of all individuals admitted for treatment were for individuals that were under the age of 21 and the taxpayers paid for 80% of these admissions.

From the statistics above and the previous section, it is this writers opinion that not only are the statistics staggering, the intangible costs on society and especially the youth outweighs any speculative benefit gleaned from legalizing marijuana. George John, CFO of Sober Living Outpatient, an outpatient drug treatment and drug rehab in Florida, states “Our society should be appalled at the billions of dollars being spent on lobbying for legalized marijuana (and other illicit drugs) when by legalizing marijuana, we are increasing the number of youth that will ultimately be affected and need treatment.” Additionally, this writer proposes that we take a fraction of the money spent on the lobby and invest those funds in treating and educating the youth of our country about the dangers and cognitive effects of abusing marijuana and other substances.

Moreover, the wasteful money spent on lobbying should be spent on inpatient and outpatient drug treatment Florida and rehab for those suffering from dependence. Below is a snapshot of the number of people treated, in the United States, for drug and alcohol abuse in 2007. One should pay close attention to the highlighted section “Marijuana/hashish” and the respective age at first use. Additionally, this category equates to over 15% of all treatment episodes and alarmingly is higher than admissions for “smoked cocaine” and “heroin”. Thus, the myth that marijuana is harmless is absolutely refuted by the statistics.

Broad recommendations and suggestions

As opposed to broad and sweeping legislation that allows for legalization of marijuana, this writer recommends the following:
  1. Early education, continuing into college that addresses the scientifically accurate information regarding the dangers and effects of marijuana and the disease (as indicated by the DSM IV) of marijuana abuse and dependence
  2. As opposed to legalization, the government should alter the criminality of marijuana abuse and dependence offenses (where others in society are not harmed, i.e., DUI) and offer treatment as opposed to incarceration
  3. Controlled and evidenced-based research as to the positive, medical research and uses of marijuana and its derivatives should continue; however, legalization of marijuana in smoked form is no different, from a health perspective, as smoking cigarettes.
Please read more about ‘Drug and Alcohol Treatment’ and some other drug and alcohol treatment methods at: http://www.soberlivingoutpatient.com/drug-and-alcohol-treatment-florida

Drugs & Alcohol Rehabilitation Center Florida
PictureDrug Abuse and Alcohol Abuse
Both President Obama and Mitt Romney don’t agree about much; however, both of them agree that reducing the Federal deficit is a priority. One piece of this puzzle may be to address the cost of substance abuse in the United States. Annually, the cost of Substance abuse is estimated at $467 billion dollars or roughly 10% of the Federal budget in 2005.

The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA Columbia TM), recently reported that although evidence-based treatments for drug addiction and alcoholism exist, most patients do not receive these treatments. For example, the report indicates that less than 10% of people with drug dependence or alcoholism receive any form of treatment for the disease. As recognized by Drug Treatment Centers Florida and in light of the fact that over 70% of individuals receive treatment for diseases such as high blood pressure, major depression and diabetes, drug dependence and alcoholism is the “dirty-little secret” that society sweeps under the rug; however, the mere financial costs are extraordinary. The CASA study estimates that the consequences of drug dependence and alcoholism cost every person in the United States $1500.00 per year.

In the United States, the greatest expenditure of spending by the government as it relates to risky substance abuse and the disease of addiction are in the area of crime and health care.  CASA found that over 30% of inpatient hospitalization expenditures are a result of risky drug use and the disease of addiction. Moreover, Drug treatment centers Florida, drug treatment Florida and Outpatient drug rehab agrees and the report indicates, that in the United States, over 80% of all prison inmates are there as a result of substance-involved offenses and over 60% of these individuals meet the DSM IV criteria for addiction and dependence. Moreover, this equates to roughly $25,000 per year to incarcerate individuals with a treatable disease and as a direct result of a treatable disease.

Regardless of whether you support President Obama or Mitt Romney, I believe it is hard for either of them to not agree that we are missing an opportunity to reduce expenditures by effectively treating drug dependence and alcoholism. Rather than ignoring the problem and dealing with the financial consequences thereafter, why aren’t we proactive (as we are with other diseases) and deal with effective treatments before it costs over 400 billion a year?

Obama-Care Benefits Substance Abuse Recovery: Discrimination of Drug Addicts and Alcoholics Delivered a Huge Blow

Drug Treatment Florida and Drug and alcohol rehab Florida reported that in June of 2012, the Supreme Court voted to uphold the Affordable Care Act (ACA); thus, in terms of addiction, alcoholism and drug dependence, insurers are no longer permitted to hold people hostage who suffer from this disease.  Individuals suffering from drug dependence and alcoholism now have a choice of where they receive treatment, whereas before, no choice existed.  By way of example, I received a call from a woman who wanted treatment immediately and was unable to obtain insurance. My recommendation was that she seeks out state funded treatment. Good luck! Have you ever tried to do this?

More than 13 million American non-elderly adults have been denied insurance specifically because of their medical conditions, according to the Commonwealth Fund and reported by outpatient drug rehab and Outpatient drug treatment Florida. The Kaiser Family Foundation says 21% of people who apply for health insurance on their own get turned down, are charged a higher price, or offered a plan that excludes coverage for their pre-existing condition.

In short, those with substance abuse and mental health issues, previously prevented from obtaining adequate care, can expect the following:

  1. Insurers must cover those with pre-existing conditions;
  2. Children under age 19 can no longer have limited benefits or be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition;
  3.   In 2014, it will be illegal for insurance companies to utilize pre-existing conditions to exclude, limit or set outrageous rates on insurance coverage;
  4. The Affordable Care Act requires that all health care plans have a basic benefits package that cover mental health and substance abuse disorders;
  5.  All plans in the health insurance exchange must adhere to the provisions of the Wellstone/Domenici Parity Act that requires mental health and substance abuse benefits be provided in the same way as all other medical and surgical benefits;

Prior to receiving treatment for my alcoholism and drug dependence, I had full health insurance benefits.  After, I was unable to attain coverage in the state of Florida, even if my pre-existing condition was excluded.  I was flat out denied coverage by every insurance company, including the high-risk pool in Florida, because the high-risk pool had been closed for 5 years.  To obtain coverage, I was forced to move my residency to Missouri (where I owned a home) and then, I was only permitted to obtain coverage from the high-risk pool at a cost of $750.00 per month.  Also, note, this policy had a lifetime cap of $1,000,000.00. 

What would a person who didn’t have the means to pay $750.00 per month do?  The answer, they would be prevented from having health insurance and thus, face total financial ruin in the event of a medical catastrophe.  Outpatient rehab Florida, drug & alcohol treatment strongly disagrees with any attempt to repeal Obama Care.

The definition of a co-occurring disorder is the existence of a substance abuse disorder and a mental health issue simultaneously. Mental health issues can include depression, bipolar disorder or anxiety. Drug and alcohol rehab Florida have observed that although it is more difficult to treat co-occurring disorders, it is very common and can be overcome.

What are Dual Diagnosis and Co-Occurring Disorders?

Dual diagnosis includes the unique symptoms of both drug or alcohol dependence and mental health issues. These two issues often overlap and affect the functioning of the person afflicted.  Moreover, Outpatient Drug Treatment Florida have observed that when one of the issues goes untreated, the other problem typically increases as well. 

Does the mental health issue or the Addiction come first?

Although mental health issues are common in people who suffer from addiction, there are no scientific studies that prove that one causes the other.

  1. Alcohol people with drug or alcohol dependence self-medicate the symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. Unfortunately, however, the attempt at self-medication, although unintended, worsens the symptoms.
  2. Alcohol dependency increases the risk for mental illness. Although mental illness and disorders are often genetically inclined, the abuse of drugs and alcohol and dependence there from, may be enough to trigger an individual into mental illness such as depression or anxiety.
  3. Alcohol and drug dependence often increase the symptoms associated with mental illness, including depression and anxiety.  Substance The existence of a mental disorder and the associated symptoms, are often exacerbated by drug dependence and abuse.  Moreover, outpatient drug rehab Florida and drug rehab have noticed that the treatment of these disorders, i.e., anti-depressants, is often marginalized by the abuse of drugs and alcohol.

Those with Mental Illness often suffer from Addiction

According to the AMA (American Medical Association):

  • Approximately 50% of individuals with severe mental disorders are affected by substance abuse.
  • 37% of alcohol and drug abusers and 53% of drug abusers also have at least one serious mental illness.
  • Of all people diagnose as mentally ill, 29% abuse either alcohol or drugs.

Prescription Drug Dependence

Many elderly are prescribed tranquilizers or sedatives from physicians that can lead to drug dependence. The statistics demonstrate that over 16 million prescriptions of this type are written every year.  The only other type of medication prescribed more than these sedatives are heart medication. Outpatient Drug Treatment Florida have noticed that a common problem with medication in the elderly and sedatives is that many of these individuals take more of the medication than is prescribed because they forget whether they have taken the medication.  Additionally, many elderly are prescribed medication after a surgery and thus, become addicted. 

Common signs of drug dependence

Many elderly don’t drink at bars or parties; thus, avoiding legal issues related to driving while intoxicated.  Additionally, because they are retired, they don’t show signs related to not showing up for work or drinking and using drugs on the job.  Therefore, it can be difficult to identify a problem with the elderly. 

Signs that is recognizable:

  1. Has a preference for attending events whereby drinking is accepted, i.e., happy hour
  2. Drinks alone or out of the view of others who might identify usage
  3. Makes a ritual of having food and drink before, with or after dinner, and becomes aggravated when this ritual is disturbed
  4. Begins to lose interest in previously enjoyed activities
  5. Drinks while taking prescriptions regardless of the warning to avoid drinking
  6. Sedatives are with the person at all times and the individual takes them immediately upon being disturbed.
  7. Is often demonstrating slurred speech
  8. Attempts to hide their usage
  9. Often has the smell of liquor on his/her breath or mouthwash to disguise it
  10. Is neglecting personal appearance and gaining or losing weight
  11. Has unexplained burns or bruises and tries to hide them
  12. Seems more depressed or hostile than usual
  13. Can’t handle routine chores and paperwork without making mistakes
  14. Seems to be losing his or her memory
As noted by Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation and outpatient drug treatment Florida, it is common for many people to misdiagnose the above symptoms as a normal part of aging; however, it is common when elderly individuals have their medication adjusted or stop drinking, these symptoms dissipate.
Getting help for addiction is often very difficult, since the experience is different for every one of us. The first step on the way to recovery is admitting your addiction to the people who are close to you, like your loved ones. Admitting drug or alcohol addiction is a good start to realizing there is a problem, and talking to friends and family is a good step on the way to recovery. Initially you may feel afraid or hopeless, but be aware that your situation is not unique; many people face the battle with addiction, which is usually a long and arduous struggle. There is always hope, even if you feel you are at your wit's end.

Outpatient Drug Treatments is for people of all ages, at all stages of addictions. Whether at early or late stages of dependency, these therapy sessions include a variety of helpful ways to help combat addiction to drugs and alcohol. Sessions include engaging ways to help patients gradually overcome dependency, and reintegrate patients into a lifestyle free of addiction. Outpatient treatment has proven effective in a number of instances, but it always requires participation and the will to be helped on the part of the patient.

Forms of Treatment

Outpatient Drug Treatment Florida comes in the form of counseling, and various forms of social interaction offered by behavioral treatment therapy. This includes things like family therapy, motivational counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy and contingency management. Too many reading, these terms may seem incomprehensible, yet they are simple enough to understand.

Family therapy sets to actively include the patient's family, or close relations, as a therapeutic step to help combat that addiction. Families have a better insight into what may have led to the addiction in the first place. By attending sessions, they can unravel truths step by step, by providing an honest and supportive role. This will be difficult at first, particularly when adolescents are involved, but with time it will be immensely beneficial.

Motivational counseling allows patients and counselors to develop a close relationship, by allowing patients to talk about their problems without being invasive. Counselors will lend a sympathetic ear, and be collaborative at all times, always encouraging the patient to speak about his/her issues. The term is self-explanatory, since motivational counseling is all about reinstating self-confidence, and reassuring patients without making them feel guilty.

Lastly, cognitive-behavioral therapy will help patients change their way of thinking about situations that relate to their addiction. This means being able to think about situations leading to addiction (like unemployment, role in the family) and learning to find real solutions, instead of resorting to Drug Addiction Rehabilitation in Florida.

Which Program is Best forMe?

There is no easy answer, but consider your specific situation, and muster up the courage to ask for advice. All programs will take into account history, background and the needs of a specific case, so you don't need to be worried.
Finding ways to rehabilitate you from all kinds of drug addictions is very important for those people who are badly infected with the poison named as drug that includes Alcohol, Heroine, and Cocaine etc. But finding the right place and treatment center is more important and crucial for those people who find themselves in the jaws of drug addiction. Sober Living Outpatient is one of the best drug rehab centers which are located in Delay Beach, Florida. Sober Living Outpatient is the name of a hope of getting rid of all kinds of addiction. We give you the best facilities to you to release from the cage of drug addiction. Today we are proudly saying that we helped various patients recover. We can say that we have provided the best Drug Rehab Florida since we came into existence. Patients come to us with a believer and trust. We make them trust our weapon and build an urge in them to live a healthy and strong life without any kind of addiction of drugs.

To live a safe and healthy life is one of the basic rights of human beings. But some people try to be cruel for their own lives. They adopt the wrong way and after some time they realize that they have picked a path of destruction. They lose their own relations, friends and emotions attached to their beloved ones. A time comes when they feel the harms of the drug addiction and that is called hope to recover. Where there is a hope to recover from drug addiction, you will find Sober Living Outpatient drug rehab services. We make our patient sober by giving them some therapies like Relapse Prevention, Matrix Model and Supportive Expressive Therapy.

In Florida, drug addiction is enhancing day by day and becoming viral in young teasers and adults. That is why Sober Living Outpatient has taken a radical step ahead to remove drug addiction from Florida. Our Drug and Alcohol Rehab Florida is handled by some of the specialists who have saved many lives. So, come to us and make your life as sober and healthy as you want it for you.